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What Are Cookies: The Digital Delights You Need to Know About

Marketing Teams5 min

September 8, 2023

    Welcome to the delightful world of cookies and analytics! No, we’re not talking about grandma’s chocolate chip treats here, but rather the digital treats that help websites measure their success and provide you with a personalized browsing experience. In this article, we’ll take a bite-sized look at different types of cookies and how they work within analytics. So grab a cup of your favorite beverage and let’s dive in!

    What is a Cookie?

    A bowl full of cookies in front of a chart-like digital graphic representing internet cookiesIn the virtual realm, a cookie is a small piece of data that gets stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. It’s like a digital name tag that the website uses to remember who you are. Don’t worry, though; these tiny data files won’t invade your privacy or raid your pantry. They are simply harmless text files with important information that make your browsing experience smoother and more enjoyable.

    Why are Cookies Important?

    Imagine you enter a magical online store and start adding items to your cart. Without these little data helpers, your cart would vanish into thin air every time you clicked on a new page. It would be as frustrating as searching for a chocolate chip in a raisin treat! Cookies save the day by keeping track of your cart items and your preferences throughout your browsing session. They make online shopping, personalized recommendations, and tailored experiences possible.


    Cookies Have Six Attributes

    A piece of paper detailing Cookie ingredients representing the different attributes internet cookies have

    Cookies may not have a secret recipe, but they do come with six essential attributes:

    a) Name: Each cookie has a unique name like “choco-chip” or “oatmeal-raisin” to help websites identify them.

    b) Value: This ingredient contains the information the website wants to store. It could be your username, language preference, or even your shoe size (for the shoe enthusiasts out there).

    c) Domain: Just like you have a home address, cookies have a domain assigned to them. It specifies which website can access the cookie’s information.

    d) Path: Imagine a cookie crumb trail that leads you to specific pages on a website. The path attribute does the same thing, indicating which pages can access the cookie.

    e) Expiration Date: Like milk, they have an expiration date. It determines how long the cookie will be stored on your device. Some cookies expire when you close your browser (we call them session cookies), while others stick around for a longer period (persistent cookies).

    f) Secure and HttpOnly Flags: These attributes ensure that cookies are transmitted securely between your device and the website, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.

    Session Cookies vs Persistent Cookies

    Different types of cookies inside a glass bowl representing the different types of cookies used in the internet

    Now, let’s talk about the two main types of cookies: session and persistent.

    Session cookies are the light snacks of the cookie world. They are temporary data bits that are deleted as soon as you close your browser. They help websites remember your actions during a single browsing session. It’s like having a waiter who knows your order but forgets it as soon as you leave the restaurant.

    Persistent cookies, on the other hand, are the ones that hang around a bit longer, like an aunt who overstays her welcome during the holidays. These cookies stick around even after you close your browser and can be used to remember you when you come back to the website. They help websites recognize you and provide customized experiences based on your previous visits.

    How Google Analytics Uses Data to Understand Your Website Visitors

    Cookies on a table in front of a statistics chart screen representing the use of Cookies on Google Analytics

    Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s talk about how cookies work in the realm of analytics, particularly with Google Analytics.

    Google Analytics uses cookies to collect information about website visitors. These data tools gather information like the pages you visit, how long you stay, and which links you click on. It’s like having a group of analytical chefs who observe your every move in the kitchen to improve their recipes.

    The data tools used by Google Analytics are typically persistent data bits. They help website owners understand their audience, improve their content, and measure the success of their marketing campaigns. However, rest assured that the data collected by these tools is anonymized and used in an aggregated form to ensure your privacy.

    If you want to read more about Google Analytics, here is a good place to start!


    So, the next time you enjoy a seamless online shopping experience or stumble upon a website that feels like it knows you personally, remember the hardworking data tools that make it all possible. They may not be as tasty as their edible counterparts, but they certainly add a sprinkle of magic to the digital world!

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