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Chrome User Experience Report: Unlock Real-World Website Performance Insights

Marketing Teams5 min

June 13, 2024

    Imagine if you could peek behind the curtain and see exactly how real users experience your website. No more lab simulations or guesswork ā€“ Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX) makes that a reality. Curious to learn how CrUX can empower you to optimize your website for a stellar user experience? Dive deeper into this article and discover the power of CrUX data.

    The Power of CrUX Data: Real-World Insights for Your Website

    Power of CrUX data


    CrUX is a game-changer for website owners and developers, offering a goldmine of data on how users experience popular websites on the web. Moreover, developed by Google, CrUX serves as the official dataset for the Web Vitals program, a critical initiative focused on user-centric website performance metrics.

    But what kind of data does CrUX offer, exactly? Unlike traditional website performance tools that rely on simulated scenarios, CrUX leverages real-world data collected directly from opted-in Chrome users around the globe. This translates to a wealth of information on how actual users experience your website, including critical metrics like:

    • Core Web Vitals: These are essential metrics that directly impact user experience, encompassing Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), Interaction to Next Paint (INP) and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). CrUX provides insights into how your website performs based on these core metrics.
    • Diagnostic Metrics: CrUX goes beyond Core Web Vitals by offering data on additional diagnostic metrics like Time to First Byte (TTFB) and First Contentful Paint (FCP). This gives you a deeper understanding of website loading processes and helps pinpoint bottlenecks.
    • Qualitative Dimensions: CrUX doesn’t stop at just numbers. It delves into the qualitative aspects of user experience by providing data on factors like device type (mobile, desktop) and connection speed. This allows you to analyze user experiences segmented by different devices, offering valuable insights into how different user groups interact with your website.

    Benefits of Leveraging Chrome User Experience Report Data: Optimizing for the User Experience that Matters


    By incorporating CrUX data into your website performance analysis routine, you unlock a multitude of benefits:

    • Real-world User Experience Insights: Forget simulated tests! Get a clear picture of how actual users experience your website. Identify areas that might be causing frustration or slowdowns for real visitors.
    • Data-driven Optimization: Stop guessing! Armed with real user data, you can prioritize website optimization efforts effectively. Focus on areas that will have the most significant impact on user experience based on real-world insights.
    • Benchmarking Against the Competition: How does your website stack up? CrUX allows you to benchmark your website’s performance against competitors and industry standards. See where you excel and identify areas where you can gain a competitive edge. Besides manually comparing websites, you can also use Googleā€™s not as widely known tool Chrome UX Report Compare Tool. Bare in mind that it only provides info on the rolling 28-day average of each metric.
    • Improved User Engagement: A website that performs well translates to a more engaged user base. By optimizing based on CrUX data, you can create a faster, smoother user experience that keeps visitors coming back for more.
    • Potential SEO Boost: Website performance is a crucial ranking factor in Google Search. Optimizing your website based on CrUX data can improve your search ranking visibility.

    Chrome User Experience Report Toolkit: Exploring How to Use CrUX Data

    Use CrUX data

    CrUX data is readily available through various tools and resources, catering to different levels of technical expertise. Here’s a breakdown of the key options to empower you to extract valuable insights for optimizing your website:

    • CrUX Dashboard (Looker Studio): CrUX Dashboard provides a visual representation of historical website performance data. It allows you to track changes over time and identify trends in user experience.
    • PageSpeed Insights (PSI): PageSpeed Insights offers website performance insights along with actionable suggestions for improvement. Enter a URL and get instant feedback on how to optimize for better user experience.
    • CrUX on BigQuery: Power users can leverage BigQuery, Google’s cloud-based data warehouse, to create custom reports and conduct in-depth analyses using SQL queries.
    • CrUX API & History API: Developers can integrate CrUX data into their applications using the free RESTful CrUX API for daily data or the History API for historical data analysis.

    These tools put the power of CrUX data at your fingertips. Allowing you to transform website performance analysis from theoretical simulations to a data-driven approach focused on real-world user experience.


    The Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX) revolutionizes website optimization by providing real-world data on user experience, including Core Web Vitals and diagnostic metrics. Leveraging CrUX data empowers website owners to prioritize optimization efforts and enhance user engagement. Accessible through user-friendly tools like PageSpeed Insights and advanced platforms like BigQuery, CrUX enables users to extract valuable insights and optimize for real-world experiences.

    If you have any questions or need assistance along the way, our team is here to help. Contact us for personalized guidance and support to unlock your website’s full potential.

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